Thursday, November 15, 2012

How to Open a Pomegranate

1. Cut the Pomegranate in half, and then on each half, score down the middle.

2. Place both pieces in a large bowl of water...they should float.

3. Submerge one half of the pomegranate under the water, and gently use your hands to rip along the score and loosen the seeds. Gently rub your fingers on the seeds and they will pop out easily and sink to the bottom. The pith and rind will float to the top. Repeat on the other half.

4. Use your hands to strain out the parts that are floating on the surface.

5. Pour the remaining water and seeds through a colander to separate.  

6. Enjoy topped on a salad, in a smoothie, or on their own!

(And yes, you can eat the entire seed).


  1. hmmm...can't wait to try (in your Pomegranate Love smoothie) the seeds need to be used right away, or can they be saved (refrigerated?) for a day or so? Thanks!

    1. You will love it, it's delicious! Yes, they will last in an airtight container for up to 3 days in the fridge.
